


Hey everyone -

I’m Tyler, CEO here at Augury

Investing newsletters get a bad rap, but they shouldn’t. A high-integrity newsletter is a treasure.

It feels great to get an investment idea from someone you trust. Or a newsletter you enjoy. Or an update on a stock you own. That’s how a champion newsletter should feel.

But things aren’t that way.

You started getting people who don't have a clue of what intelligent investment is in any sense. Taking over the industry. Crafty schemes use the idea that lines on a chart can predict the future, and you can get rich quickly if you leverage options. An avalanche of scum littered the industry.

And the newsletters that do have integrity just let it happen.

Now investing newsletters feel like a scam rather than a joy that can make you lots of money by reading them. They’re something you explore with skepticism, not delight. Rather than reading to unlock value and insight, you question the words and are suspect of the author.

And yet, the investment newsletter remains a wonder. Thanks to the best newsletters, people across cultures, continents, countries, cities, and communities communicate every day. They become a simple, reliable, and easy way to uncover great under-the-radar investment opportunities and allow intelligent discussion among investors. And earn millions of dollars for members in an enjoyable way.

So good news, the magic’s still there, it’s just obscured - buried under a mess of unjust characters.

The investing newsletter deserves a dust-off. A renovation. Modernized for the way value investing works today.

With Augury, we’ve done just that. It’s a redo, a rethink, a simplified, a powerful reintroduction of the investing newsletter. A fresh start the way it should be.

Augury is home for value investors, and we’re inviting you to join in on the fun (and profits).

-Tyler DuPont



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